Low-acid Irish Coffee | trücup coffee
trücup Irish Coffee

Boozy, creamy, and low-acid, it's no wonder one of our favorite St. Patrick's Day-themed beverages is the classic Irish Coffee made with trücup.

This classic cocktail requires minimal ingredients and is easy to make at home. This recipe will satisfy any lucky leprechaun, featuring trücup Dark As Night, French roast, brown sugar, whipped cream, and any Irish whiskey of your choice.


  • 1 1/3 oz (2 parts) Irish whiskey
  • 1 oz (1½ parts) Fresh cream
  • 1 tsp. Brown sugar
  • 2 2/3 oz (4 parts) Hot coffee

Preparation: Heat the coffee, whiskey, and sugar; do not boil. Pour into glass and top with cream; serve hot.